Tutorial: Create the Entities

Entities are the business objects that you work with in the data hub. MarkLogic’s Entity Services allows you to create models of your business entities. Using these data models, you can then generate code scaffolding, database configurations, index settings, and validations. The Data Hub Framework handles many of these tasks for you.

In this section, we create entities for the Product, Customer, and Order datasets.


To create an entity named Product,

New Entities form

  1. In QuickStart’s navigation bar, click Entities.
  2. Click the wrench icon to open the entity tools control.
  3. Click + New Entity.
  4. In the New Entity form, set Title to Product.
  5. Click Save.

  6. If prompted to update the index, click No.


The new Product entity card is displayed.


Perform the same steps for Order.

  1. Click + New Entity.
  2. In the New Entity form, set Title to Order.
  3. Click Save.
  4. If prompted to update the index, click No.


Perform the same steps for Customer.

  1. Click + New Entity.
  2. In the New Entity form, set Title to Customer.
  3. Click Save.
  4. If prompted to update the index, click No.