Every command for importing data from files must specify one or more paths from which files should be read. The details of specifying paths are described below.

Table of contents

Specifying paths

Each command that imports from files requires the use of the --path option with at least one value - for example:

  • --path path/to/files
  • --path path\to\files

You can include multiple values for the --path option, which can utilize both relative and absolute file paths:

  • --path relative/path/to/files /absolute/path/to/files
  • --path relative\path\to\files C:\absolute\path\to\files

The value of the --path option can be any directory or file path. You can use wildcards in any part of the path. For example, the following, would select every file starting with example in any child directory of the root /data directory:

  • --path data/*/example*
  • --path data\*\example*

Filtering files

You can restrict which files are read from a directory by specifying a standard glob expression via the --filter option:

  • --path data/examples --filter "example*.json"
  • --path data\examples --filter "example*.json"

Depending on your shell environment, you may need to include the value of --filter in double quotes as shown above to ensure that each asterisk is interpreted correctly. However, if you include --filter in an options file as described in Common Options, you do not need double quotes around the value.

Reading from S3

Flux can read files from S3 via a path expression of the form s3a://bucket-name/optional/path.

In most cases, Flux must use your AWS credentials to access an S3 bucket. Flux uses the AWS SDK to fetch credentials from locations supported by the AWS CLI. To enable this, include the --s3-add-credentials option:

  • ./bin/flux import-files \
        --path "s3a://my-bucket/some/path" \
        --s3-add-credentials \
        --connection-string etc... 
  • bin\flux import-files ^
        --path "s3a://my-bucket/some/path" ^
        --s3-add-credentials ^
        --connection-string etc... 

You can also explicitly define your AWS credentials via --s3-access-key-id and --s3-secret-access-key. To avoid typing these in plaintext, you may want to store these in a file and reference the file via an options file. See Common Options for more information on how to use options files.

You can also specify an S3 endpoint via --s3-endpoint. This is typically required when running Flux in AWS in one region while trying to access S3 in a separate region.

Ignoring child directories

By default, child directories of each directory specified by --path are included. To prevent this, include the following option:

--recursive-file-lookup false