Flux can import a variety of RDF files in a fashion similar to that of MarkLogic Content Pump.

Table of contents


The import-rdf-files command reads RDF data from a variety of RDF file types and writes one or more managed triples documents in MarkLogic. Each managed triples document is an XML document containing up to 100 semantic triples.

To import RDF files, you must specify at least one --path option along with connection information for the MarkLogic database you wish to write to:

  • ./bin/flux import-rdf-files \
        --path /path/to/files \
        --connection-string "flux-example-user:password@localhost:8004" \
        --permissions flux-example-role,read,flux-example-role,update
  • bin\flux import-rdf-files ^
        --path path\to\files ^
        --connection-string "flux-example-user:password@localhost:8004" ^
        --permissions flux-example-role,read,flux-example-role,update

Supported files types

Flux supports the same RDF data formats as MarkLogic server does, which are listed below:

Format File Extension
RDF/XML .rdf or .xml
RDF/JSON .json
N3 .n3
N-Quads .nq
N-Triples .nt
TriG .trig
Turtle .ttl

Flux will attempt to load each file specified via --path by determining the format of the RDF data based on the file extension.

Specifying a graph

By default, every triple loaded into MarkLogic will be added to the default MarkLogic semantic graph of http://marklogic.com/semantics#default-graph. Each RDF quad is loaded into the graph specified within the quad.

To specify a different graph for every triple, use the --graph option. This option only affects triples and not quads.

To specify a graph for both triples and quads - thus overriding the graph associated with each quad - use the --graph-override option.

Note that the set of collections specified via the --collections option does not have any impact on the graph. You are free to specify as many collections as you want in addition to the graph you choose via --graph or --graph-override.

Compressed files

Flux supports Gzip and ZIP RDF files. Simply include the --compression option with a value of GZIP or ZIP.