As described in the overview, each Flux release includes separate JAR files that each integrates with a specific embedding model. If Flux does not yet provide a JAR file for your desired LangChain4j-supported embedding model, you can create your own integration using the steps below.

Table of contents


Before beginning, you may wish to inspect the project that Flux uses to build a JAR file for Azure OpenAI. This project should serve as a useful reference for building your own integration.

You must have Java 11 or higher installed on your workstation along with Gradle 8.x or higher. The examples below assume that the gradle command is available on your path.

Begin by creating a new directory for your integration. Add a build.gradle file to the directory with the following configuration in it:

plugins {
  id 'com.gradleup.shadow' version '8.3.3'

dependencies {
  // Change this to match the embedding model you wish to use. 
  // For example, if you wish to use Hugging Face, you would change it to:
  // implementation "dev:langchain4j:langchain4j-hugging-face:0.35.0".  
  implementation "dev.langchain4j:langchain4j-embeddings-all-minilm-l6-v2:0.35.0"

Your project will use the Gradle Shadow plugin to create a single JAR file containing your code, the LangChain4j dependency, and the dependencies specific to your embedding model.

Coding the integration

Next, create the directory structure src/main/java in your project. Then create a directory structure for the Java package name you wish to use. For this example, org.example will be used as the package name, so the directory structure src/main/java/org/example will be created.

Next, create a Java source file in the directory above. You can give it any name you wish. MyEmbeddingModel will be used in this example. Then copy the below contents into the file, changing the package and class name as needed (this would go into a file named

package org.example;

import dev.langchain4j.model.embedding.EmbeddingModel;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Function;

public class MyEmbeddingModel implements Function<Map<String, String>, EmbeddingModel> {

    public EmbeddingModel apply(Map<String, String> options) {
        // Will implement this method next.

The apply method must return an instance of the LangChain4j EmbeddingModel interface. The method will receive a map of options. The map of options is populated via the -E option described in the “Configuring embedding model options” section in the embedder usage guide. The -E option therefore allows a user to pass any necessary options to your class.

You are then free to implement the apply method any way you see fit. The Flux class for Azure OpenAI demonstrates one approach of using LangChain4j and its support for an embedding model to return an instance of the LangChain4j EmbeddingModel interface.

Building the integration

Once you have implemented and tested your apply method, you can run the following Gradle command to build a single JAR file, which comprises the integration:

./gradle shadowJar

This will produce a single “shadow” JAR file in the ./build/libs directory in your project. You can then copy that JAR file to the ./ext directory in your Flux installation.

Using the integration

Assuming an implementation class name of org.example.MyEmbeddingModel, along with the integration JAR file having been copied to Flux’s ./ext directory, the integration can now be used via the following option:

--embedder "org.example.MyEmbeddingModel"

If your integration accepts options, you can pass them via the -E option - for example:

--embedder "org.example.MyEmbeddingModel" -Eoption1=value1 -Eoption2=value2