Flux can export documents to files, with each document being written as a separate file and optionally compressed.

Table of contents


The export-files command selects documents in a MarkLogic database and writes them to a filesystem. You must specify a --path option for where files should be written along with connection information for the MarkLogic database you wish to write to - for example:

  • ./bin/flux export-files \
        --connection-string "flux-example-user:password@localhost:8004" \
        --collections example \
        --path destination
  • bin\flux export-files ^
        --connection-string "flux-example-user:password@localhost:8004" ^
        --collections example ^
        --path destination

The following options control which documents are selected to be exported:

Option Description
--collections Comma-delimited sequence of collection names.
--directory A database directory for constraining on URIs.
--options Name of a REST API search options document; typically used with a string query.
--query A structured, serialized CTS, or combined query expressed as JSON or XML.
--string-query A string query utilizing MarkLogic’s search grammar.
--uris Newline-delimited sequence of document URIs to retrieve.

You must specify at least one of --collections, --directory, --query, --string-query, or --uris. You may specify any combination of those options as well, with the exception that --query will be ignored if --uris is specified.

Transforming document content

You can apply a MarkLogic REST transform to each document before it is written to a file. A transform is configured via the following options:

Option Description
--transform Name of a MarkLogic REST transform to apply to each document before writing it to its destination.
--transform-params Comma-delimited list of transform parameter names and values - e.g. param1,value1,param2,value2.
--transform-params-delimiter Delimiter for --transform-params; typically set when a value contains a comma.

The above link for REST transforms includes instructions on manually installing a transform. If you are using ml-gradle to deploy an application to MarkLogic, you can let ml-gradle automatically install your transform.

Redacting content

The MarkLogic Redaction feature is not yet available via configuration in the MarkLogic REST API. Thus, when using a tool like Flux, the best way to redact content is via a REST transform. An example of this, written in JavaScript, is shown below:

const rdt = require('/MarkLogic/redaction');

function transform(context, params, content) {
  return rdt.redact(content, "my-ruleset");

exports.transform = transform;

To use the above transform, verify that your user has been granted the MarkLogic redaction-user role.

Compressing content

The --compression option is used to write files either to Gzip or ZIP files.

To Gzip each file, include --compression GZIP.

To write multiple files to one or more ZIP files, include --compression ZIP. A zip file will be created for each partition that was created when reading data via Optic. You can include --zip-file-count 1 to force all documents to be written to a single ZIP file. See the below section on “Understanding partitions” for more information.

Windows-specific issues with zip files

In the likely event that you have one or more URIs with a forward slash - / - in them, then creating a zip file with those URIs - which are used as the zip entry names - will produce confusing behavior on Windows. If you open the zip file via Windows Explorer, Windows will erroneously think the zip file is empty. If you open the zip file using 7-Zip, you will see a top-level entry named _ if one or more of your URIs begin with a forward slash. These are effectively issues that only occur when viewing the file within Windows and do not reflect the actual contents of the zip file. The contents of the file are correct and if you were to import them with Flux via the import-files command, you will get the expected results.

Specifying an encoding

MarkLogic stores all content in the UTF-8 encoding. You can specify an alternate encoding when exporting documents to files via the --encoding option - e.g.:

  • ./bin/flux export-files \
        --connection-string "flux-example-user:password@localhost:8004" \
        --collections example \
        --path destination \
        --encoding ISO-8859-1
  • bin\flux export-files ^
        --connection-string "flux-example-user:password@localhost:8004" ^
        --collections example ^
        --path destination ^
        --encoding ISO-8859-1

Understanding partitions

As Flux is built on top of Apache Spark, it is heavily influenced by how Spark defines and manages partitions. Within the context of Flux, partitions can be thought of as “workers”, with each worker operating in parallel on a different subset of data. Generally, more partitions allow for more parallel work and improved performance.

When exporting documents to files, the number of partitions impacts how many files will be written. For example, run the following command below from the Getting Started guide:

  • rm export/*.zip
    ./bin/flux export-files \
        --connection-string "flux-example-user:password@localhost:8004" \
        --collections employee \
        --permissions flux-example-role,read,flux-example-role,update \
        --path destination \
        --compression zip
  • del export\*.zip
    bin\flux export-files ^
        --connection-string "flux-example-user:password@localhost:8004" ^
        --collections employee ^
        --permissions flux-example-role,read,flux-example-role,update ^
        --path destination ^
        --compression zip

The ./export directory will have 12 zip files in it. This count is due to how Flux reads data from MarkLogic, which involves creating 4 partitions by default per forest in the MarkLogic database. The example application has 3 forests in its content database, and thus 12 partitions are created, resulting in 12 separate zip files.

You can use the --partitions-per-forest option to control how many partitions - and thus workers - read documents from each forest in your database:

  • rm export/*.zip
    ./bin/flux export-files \
        --connection-string "flux-example-user:password@localhost:8004" \
        --collections employee \
        --permissions flux-example-role,read,flux-example-role,update \
        --path destination \
        --compression zip \
        --partitions-per-forest 1
  • del export\*.zip
    bin\flux export-files ^
        --connection-string "flux-example-user:password@localhost:8004" ^
        --collections employee ^
        --permissions flux-example-role,read,flux-example-role,update ^
        --path destination ^
        --compression zip ^
        --partitions-per-forest 1

This approach will produce 3 zip files - one per forest.

You can also use the --repartition option, available on every command, to force the number of partitions used when writing data, regardless of how many were used to read the data:

  • rm export/*.zip
    ./bin/flux export-files \
        --connection-string "flux-example-user:password@localhost:8004" \
        --collections employee \
        --path destination \
        --compression zip \
        --repartition 1
  • del export\*.zip
    bin\flux export-files ^
        --connection-string "flux-example-user:password@localhost:8004" ^
        --collections employee ^
        --path destination ^
        --compression zip ^
        --repartition 1

This approach will produce a single zip file due to the use of a single partition when writing files. The --zip-file-count option is effectively an alias for --repartition. Both options produce the same outcome. --zip-file-count is included as a more intuitive option for the common case of configuring how many files should be written.

Note that Spark’s support for repartitioning may negatively impact overall performance due to the need to read all data from the data source first before writing any data.