Flux can import archive files containing documents and their associated metadata. This includes archives written via the export-archive-files command as well as archives written by MarkLogic Content Pump, which are hereafter referred to as “MLCP archives”.

Table of contents


The import-archive-files command will import the documents and metadata files in a ZIP file produced by the export-archive-files command. You must specify at least one --path option along with connection information for the MarkLogic database you wish to write to:

  • ./bin/flux import-archive-files \
        --path /path/to/files \
        --connection-string "flux-example-user:password@localhost:8004" \
        --permissions flux-example-role,read,flux-example-role,update
  • bin\flux import-archive-files ^
        --path path\to\files ^
        --connection-string "flux-example-user:password@localhost:8004" ^
        --permissions flux-example-role,read,flux-example-role,update

Importing MLCP archives

You can also import MLCP archives that were produced via the EXPORT command in MLCP. The import-mlcp-archive-files command is used instead, and it also requires at least one --path option along with connection information for the MarkLogic database you wish to write to:

  • ./bin/flux import-mlcp-archive-files \
        --path /path/to/files \
        --connection-string "flux-example-user:password@localhost:8004" \
        --permissions flux-example-role,read,flux-example-role,update
  • bin\flux import-mlcp-archive-files ^
        --path /path/to/files ^
        --connection-string "flux-example-user:password@localhost:8004" ^
        --permissions flux-example-role,read,flux-example-role,update

Restricting metadata

By default, all metadata associated with a document in an archive will be included when the document is written to MarkLogic. This is true for both the import-archive-files command and the import-mlcp-archive-files command. This is typically desirable so that metadata like collections and permissions in the archive can be applied to the imported documents.

You can instead restrict which types of metadata are included via the --categories option. This option accepts a comma-delimited sequence of the following metadata types:

  • collections
  • permissions
  • quality
  • properties
  • metadatavalues

For example, the following option will only include the collections and properties found in each metadata entry in an archive ZIP file or MLCP archive ZIP file:

--categories collections,properties

Specifying an encoding

MarkLogic stores all content in the UTF-8 encoding. If your archive files use a different encoding, you must specify that via the --encoding option so that the content can be correctly translated to UTF-8 when written to MarkLogic - e.g.:

  • ./bin/flux import-archive-files \
        --path source \
        --encoding ISO-8859-1 \
        --connection-string "flux-example-user:password@localhost:8004" \
        --permissions flux-example-role,read,flux-example-role,update
  • bin\flux import-archive-files ^
        --path source ^
        --encoding ISO-8859-1 ^
        --connection-string "flux-example-user:password@localhost:8004" ^
        --permissions flux-example-role,read,flux-example-role,update