If you would like to try out the example programs in this repository, please follow these steps to set up a local MarkLogic instance and to deploy a small application to it:

  1. Ensure you have Java 8 or higher installed.
  2. In a terminal window, run cd setup.
  3. If you are using Docker Desktop, run docker compose up -d --build to create a new instance of MarkLogic running on Docker. It will attempt to bind to ports 8000 through 8003, so ensure that those are available.
  4. Otherwise, if you have your own instance of MarkLogic running, ensure that port 8003 is available.
  5. Run ../gradlew -i mlDeploy to deploy a small application to MarkLogic containing 500 fictional crime events.

Some examples require the use of MarkLogic 12, which is currently only available via an early access program or for Progress MarkLogic employees. If you would like to use these features, run the following command for installing MarkLogic via Docker instead of the command above:

docker compose -f docker-compose-12.yml up -d --build

Azure OpenAI configuration

For any AI example program, it needs to connect to an AI service. The examples in this repository depend on the Azure OpenAI Service, though they can be easily tailored to work with any AI service.

If you would like to run the examples as-is and have an Azure OpenAI account, you will need to create a file in the root of this repository named .env with the following keys and values:

AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT=<Your Azure OpenAI endpoint>
AZURE_LLM_DEPLOYMENT_NAME=<The name of an LLM deployment in your Azure OpenAI service>

If you are running MarkLogic 12 and would like to run the examples that involve vector queries, you will also need to add the following to your .env file.

AZURE_EMBEDDING_DEPLOYMENT_NAME=<The name of an embedding deployment in your Azure OpenAI service>