Semantic Storage and Retrieval with MarkLogic Server - Function Reference


See the library overview for more information about this project.

      xquery version "1.0-ml";

      import module namespace sem=""
      at "semantic.xqy";



The semantic library defines a number of constants, some of which may be useful for queries.

$sem:O-RDF-CLASS This constant represents the RDF Class object.
$sem:O-RDF-NIL This constant represents the RDF nil object.
$sem:P-OWL-INTERSECTION This constant represents the OWL intersectionOf predicate.
$sem:P-OWL-ON-PROPERTY This constant represents the OWL onProperty predicate.
$sem:P-RDF-FIRST This constant represents the RDF first predicate.
$sem:P-RDF-LABEL This constant represents the RDF label predicate.
$sem:P-RDF-REST This constant represents the RDF rest predicate.
$sem:P-RDF-SUBCLASS This constant represents the RDF subClassOf predicate.
$sem:P-RDF-SUBPROPERTY This constant represents the RDF subPropertyOf predicate.
$sem:P-RDF-TYPE This constant represents the RDF type predicate.


Name Parameters Returns Description
sem:object-for-predicate $p as xs:string+ xs:string* This function returns the object values of all tuples that match the supplied predicate values.
sem:subject-for-predicate $p as xs:string+ xs:string* This function returns the subject values of all tuples that match the supplied predicate values.
sem:object-for-subject-predicate $s as xs:string*,
$p as xs:string+
xs:string* This function returns the object values of all tuples that match the supplied subject and predicate values.
sem:subject-for-object-predicate $o as xs:string*,
$p as xs:string+
xs:string* This function returns the subject values of all tuples that match the supplied object and predicate values.
sem:subject-for-subject-predicate $s as xs:string*,
$p as xs:string+
xs:string* This function returns the subject values of all tuples that match the supplied subject and predicate values.
sem:object-by-subject-object-predicate $s as xs:string+, $o as xs:string+, $p as xs:string+ xs:string* This function returns the object values of all tuples that match the supplied subject, object, and predicate values.
sem:subject-by-subject-object-predicate $s as xs:string+, $o as xs:string+, $p as xs:string+ xs:string* This function returns the subject values of all tuples that match the supplied subject, object, and predicate values.
sem:transitive-closure $m as map:map,
$seeds as xs:string*,
$gen as xs:integer, $relation as xs:string,
$direction as xs:boolean,
$filters as xs:string*
empty-sequence() This function performs transitive closure over an edge type. This can be used for friend-of-a-friend (FOAF) queries: see the library overview for an example. The resulting network is used to populate the supplied map, which can be serialized using sem:serialize().
sem:serialize $m as map:map,
$max-gen as xs:integer
item()+ This function serializes the network map created by sem:transitive-closure().
sem:object-predicate-join $o as xs:string*, $p as xs:string* element(sem:join)? This function returns an XML element which describes a join on the supplied object and predicate values. Use this with the sem:subject-for-join() and sem:object-for-join() functions.
sem:predicate-join $p as xs:string* element(sem:join)? This function returns an XML element which describes a join on the supplied predicate values. Use this with the sem:subject-for-join() and sem:object-for-join() functions.
sem:subject-predicate-join $s as xs:string*, $p as xs:string* element(sem:join)? This function returns an XML element which describes a join on the supplied subject and predicate values. Use this with the sem:subject-for-join() and sem:object-for-join() functions.
sem:type-join $type as xs:string+ element(sem:join) This function returns an XML element which describes a join on the supplied RDF type values. This is equivalent to sem:object-predicate-join($type, $sem:P-RDF-TYPE) Use this with the sem:subject-for-join() and sem:object-for-join() functions.
sem:object-for-join $joins as element(sem:join)+ xs:string* This function returns object values of all tuples matching the supplied sem:join elements. These elements can be generated using the constructors described above.
sem:object-for-join $seeds as xs:string*, $joins as element(sem:join)* xs:string* This function returns object values of all tuples matching the supplied sem:join elements, starting from the supplied seed values. These elements can be generated using the constructors described above.
sem:subject-for-join $joins as element(sem:join)+ xs:string* This function returns subject values of all tuples matching the supplied sem:join elements. These elements can be generated using the constructors described above.
sem:subject-for-join $seeds as xs:string*, $joins as element(sem:join)* xs:string* This function returns subject values of all tuples matching the supplied sem:join elements, starting from the supplied seed values. These elements can be generated using the constructors described above.
sem:owl-on-property $prop as xs:string* xs:string* This function uses the OWL onProperty predicate to find subject values matching the supplied property.
sem:owl-subclasses $class as xs:string* xs:string* This function expands any available OWL ontology for the supplied class value.
sem:rdf-subclasses $class as xs:string* xs:string* This function uses the RDF subClassOf predicate to expand the definition of the supplied class.
sem:rdf-subproperties $prop as xs:string* xs:string* This function uses the RDF subPropertyOf predicate to recursively expand the ancestor properties of the supplied property.
sem:relate $a as xs:QName, $b as xs:QName, $a-seed as xs:string*, $b-seed as xs:string*, $join as element(sem:join)* map:map This function populates a map representing the co-occurrences of values in the supplied elements ($a and $b), using the supplied seed values and joins.
sem:relate-join $a as xs:QName, $b as xs:QName, $a-seed as xs:string*, $b-seed as xs:string*, $join as element(sem:join)* element(cts:co-occurrence)* This function returns an XML representation of the co-occurrences of values in the supplied elements ($a and $b), using the supplied seed values and joins.
sem:uri-for-tuple $s as xs:string, $p as xs:string, $o as xs:string, $c as xs:string? xs:string This function generates a unique document URI from the supplied subject, predicate, object, and (optional) context.
sem:uri-for-tuple $t as element(t) xs:string This function generates a unique document URI from the supplied tuple element.
sem:tuple $s as xs:string, $p as xs:string, $o as xs:string, $c as xs:string? element(t) This function creates a tuple element from the supplied subject, predicate, object, and (optional) context.
sem:tuple-insert-as-property $s as xs:string, $p as xs:string, $o as xs:string, $c as xs:string? empty-sequence() This function inserts a new tuple into the current database, using the supplied subject, predicate, object, and (optional) context. The document URI will be generated automatically. The tuple is inserted as part of an empty document's property fragment. (aka naked properties)
sem:tuple-insert-as-property $t as element(t) empty-sequence() This function inserts a new tuple into the current database. The tuple must contain children s, o, and p; it may contain a child c. The document URI will be generated automatically. The tuple is inserted as part of an empty document's property fragment. (aka naked properties)
sem:tuple-insert $s as xs:string, $p as xs:string, $o as xs:string, $c as xs:string? empty-sequence() This function inserts a new tuple into the current database, using the supplied subject, predicate, object, and (optional) context. The document URI will be generated automatically.
sem:tuple-insert $t as element(t) empty-sequence() This function inserts a new tuple into the current database. The tuple must contain children s, o, and p; it may contain a child c. The document URI will be generated automatically.
sem:tuples-for-query $q as cts:query element(t)* This function returns all tuple elements matching the supplied query. The query may be generated using standard cts:query constructors.
sem:tuples-for-predicate $p as xs:string+ element(t)* This function returns all tuple elements matching the supplied predicate values.